Friday, September 5, 2008


Who is OvalEye?

OvalEye Web Solutions
Duvall, Wa
Specializes in
  • Custom website design and development
  • Templated Website Managment
  • Website Hosting
  • Domain Names
  • Search Engine Optimization
Jennifer Donogh, Project Manager
Kathy Nelson, Owner and Project Manager

What are we going over tonight?

We will be going over the following questions...

1. What is a blog?
2. How can blogging benefit my business?
3. What do I write about?
4. What is blogger?
5. What is Biznik?
6. What is Twitter?
7. How do I get people to read my blog?

Please feel free to ask questions during the presentation. We will also reserve time at the end for a question and answer period.

Who are you?

Introduce yourself...

  1. Name
  2. Business Name
  3. What you provide
  4. The level of "being online" your business is at

Monday, August 11, 2008

What is a blog?

WEB log= blog
  • Entries about a decided upon theme/topic by author(s)
  • Combines media
  • Reads in reverse chronological order
  • Interactive
Blogosphere blogs connected, the collective

How can blogging benefit my business?

Should I even bother?

1. Fresh content on your website- improving your search engine rankings!
2. Customer retention
3. When your time online is managed efficiently, blogging is free, or almost free marketing!
4. Has the potential to become viral
5. Show off new products, events, promotions, etc. in a way that is affordable, short (keeps the reader's attention) and will drive them to purchase/attend, etc.
6. Blogs= research phase of purchasing cycle

How do I get people to read my blog?

Start to think about
  1. Search engine optimization- Search engines designed for blogs (Technorati*), Blog Directories (Blogorama*) *These apply to blogs, not websites
  2. Make sure your blog preferences are aligned with your desire to share and drive visitors to your business
  3. Links, links, links!
  4. Be a consistent reader/poster to your favorite blogs (of course provide your link)

What is GOOD content?
  • What is the hot topic of the day in your desired topic/industry/interest?
  • Are you providing your readers with something that is useful, that will solve a problem, provide help in finding a solutions, or sparking an interest?
Once they are there you can also consider:
Associate Programs-