Monday, August 11, 2008

What is a blog?

WEB log= blog
  • Entries about a decided upon theme/topic by author(s)
  • Combines media
  • Reads in reverse chronological order
  • Interactive
Blogosphere blogs connected, the collective

How can blogging benefit my business?

Should I even bother?

1. Fresh content on your website- improving your search engine rankings!
2. Customer retention
3. When your time online is managed efficiently, blogging is free, or almost free marketing!
4. Has the potential to become viral
5. Show off new products, events, promotions, etc. in a way that is affordable, short (keeps the reader's attention) and will drive them to purchase/attend, etc.
6. Blogs= research phase of purchasing cycle

How do I get people to read my blog?

Start to think about
  1. Search engine optimization- Search engines designed for blogs (Technorati*), Blog Directories (Blogorama*) *These apply to blogs, not websites
  2. Make sure your blog preferences are aligned with your desire to share and drive visitors to your business
  3. Links, links, links!
  4. Be a consistent reader/poster to your favorite blogs (of course provide your link)

What is GOOD content?
  • What is the hot topic of the day in your desired topic/industry/interest?
  • Are you providing your readers with something that is useful, that will solve a problem, provide help in finding a solutions, or sparking an interest?
Once they are there you can also consider:
Associate Programs-

What do I write about?

You are now thinking about what GOOD content for your blog is...
  • What will your theme/topic be? What is your niche?
  • Keep it short. Keep it consistent.
  • How much can you really say on that topic?
Some examples:
  • Personal company blog about news, events, products, employee highlight, client highlight
    Example: Serendipity Photography Blog
  • Personal blog about who you are, what your interests are
    Example: Brianna Grant, Author of Girls Who Love to Run Website/Blog
  • Interest Blog about topics of interest where you hold experience in
    Example: Jennifer Donogh, SOHO Wife Website/Blog

What is Blogger?

About Blogger
Let's get started
Need help with the functionality?

Google Analytics

Have a blog? Going to start a blog tonight?
Make sure you are tracking your website analytics!

Add Google Analytics to your Blogger site.

  1. Visitors
  2. Traffic Sources
  3. Content
  4. Goals
How do I add Google Analytics?
  1. Add Gadget
  2. HTML/JavaScipt
  3. Paste code provided by Google Analytics after you sign up
  4. Voila!
  5. Check your reports

What is Twitter?

Twitter gives you a platform to publish mini blogs that let you communicate with others quickly and efficiently.

Social Networking +Blogging+Texting
Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?

Who is Twitter?

March of 2006
San Francisco, California
Obvious, Owner- Evan Williams, instrumental in Blogger

Get started
  1. Sign up
  2. Tweet
  3. Follow
  4. Invite others
Some ways of using Twitter to better your day...
  • Feedback- ask for feedback from those that follow you.
  • Announcements- announce new products, new promotions, events- anything you think a reader might find interesting/beneficial in their day.
  • Interoffice communication- keep up with your employees/business partners for free!
  • Drive traffic-include a link to your site/blog, drive visitors their by enticing them with your 140 characters!
  • Network- find new prospects, people you would like to partner with, and friends.

What is Biznik?

Business networking that doesn't suck.
Biznik... almost free.
Let's take a look at the cost break down.

Let's sign up and add our blog!

How do I add my blog at home?
  1. Log in
  2. Your Profile
  3. Under Add an Article click on the Edit button next to Your Blog
  4. Enter in the Url of your blog (
  5. Decide how many entries you would like displayed
Promote your Biznik-self on your blog
  1. Log on
  2. Your Profile
  3. Bottom left corner click on the Biznik badge under promotional tools
  4. Copy your chosen badge's code
  5. Past the code, just like you would Google analytics in Blogger, under Add a Gadget- HTML/JavaScript

Video Blogging? Vlogging?

Don't be silly, Toto. Scarecrows don't talk.

Anyone with an Internet Connection and a video camera can now produce and publish their own home videos online to share with the world.

What is a vlog??
Blogging where your means of communication is through video.

Video on websites, blogs, and advertisements is a hot commodity right now!
Ex. Commercial- Howard Howell- Using video on his website and on Biznik.
Ex. Vlog- Blogospondent- The Communicatrix on Southwest Audition

Ex. Activity/Demonstration- Northwest Longboarding- Myspace, Website, Youtube

Where should I upload videos?
Youtube vs. Google Video

Bring them all together now!

That's a horse of a different color!

1. Blog
2. Biznik
3. Twitter

The cons of blogging...

They wanted a heart, a brain, courage, and to return home.
Your readers want the same from you.. are you prepared to provide that?

  • It's time consuming... Plan your day- Create lists- Stay focused-
  • Social networking= a distraction...
  • Email= a distraction...
  • Make sure it is reader friendly... Who is your audience? Why would they want to read what you have to say? What would make them stop visiting your blog?
  • People are watching...
  • Just get started and keep consistent!